How To Deal With Fear Of Failure


Recently, I had a guest, Hala Taha, on the Follow Your Dream Podcast. She is a successful podcaster and also the CEO of a podcast marketing agency. But her trip up the ladder of success was anything but smooth. At any number of stages she failed, although in each case that failure propelled her to the next rung on the ladder. As I like to say she “failed upwards” to success.

Failure - and the fear of failure - are part of life. I’ve never heard of anyone who had a straight line to success. Everyone who has succeeded has failed somewhere along the line. 

Nobody can escape failure.

My favorite example of this is WD-40, the miracle lubricant that seems to fix anything that has a squeak or is stuck. I had Garry Ridge, the company’s CEO, on my podcast and he said the product was named WD-40 because the formula failed the first 39 times!

Persistence, determination, and belief are necessary ingredients for success. I “failed” in music many times until I finally succeeded. That’s how it is in life. Don’t be afraid to try something - particularly if it’s your dream - for fear of failing. Give it your best shot. If it works great. If not you will never regret not having tried.


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